Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I Love Candy!!! Candy is like Crack. So addictive. Makes me So Happy! I was able to eat all the candy Mia got for Easter. I gave her 1 or 2. But 2 year olds dont need candy. They have enough energy as it is. I swear its like crack to them. She get's super high. Then couple hours later is crying and shouting for more. "I want Candy". That's kinda how I am. Very addictive!! <3

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend was so great. 4 Days to hang out with the Love of my Life Mia Bella. It's always great to hang out with Family. They give you unconditional LOVE! Having little girls around makes everything more fun. Give me a reason to be happy. Its non stop playing day & night. The little temper outburst are no biggie, because the good is that much better. The sweetest girls in the World Mia Bella & Luna Alexandra.